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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wk4 Publishing/Leadership project part 2 of 2:Think Out Loud Post Two

I have decided to present my research in the form of an article. After some research and pondering my two choices for journals to attempt to be published in are Edutopia and ETR&D. There were many sites that cater to education and the use of technology, but I found these two choices to be the most appropriate for my article and me. My Big idea is Social Learning and the technologies that will be available play a critical role in the social aspect for learning.

The reason I chose Educational Technology Research and Development  was for a couple of reasons. First is the s the only scholarly journal in the field focusing entirely on research and development in educational technology. The Development Section publishes articles concerned with the design and development of learning systems and educational technology applications. 

The other choice I decided on is Edutopia. Having resources are very important for new areas of education, and with edutopia its resources are with the George Lucas Education Foundation that can really open some avenues. They present a very aggressive mission in helping to change the gap with technology and classroom learning to help students in the present as well as the future. Edutopia also presents a variety of resources for teachers as well such as Project-Based Learning, Social and Emotional Learning, Teacher Development, Technology Integration.

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