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Friday, July 22, 2011

Blog Post Response 1 (Week 3)-Veronica Santos

Apple emitted an update to its operating system iOS to solve a security fault that it facilitated to hacker to extract data of users of iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, announced Apple Insider. The past week the company with soothes in Cupertino admitted that their movable apparatuses were at the mercy of malicious programs when the users opened infected archives pdf.

The equipment in risk is iPhone3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and iPod Touch of third and fourth generation. The admission occurred after which a German organization of security warned that hackers could accede in a remote form to the harmed devices and rob deprived information besides affecting the execution of applications. Apple offers to the users the update iOS 4.3.4 to close the gab that put in risk the users data stored in ipods, ipads and iphones. The protected information included: contracts, personal contacts, credit information, and location history.

Information retrieved from:
July 15, 2011

Michael Chapple
This was very interesting to know. I am a user of all Apple products and that would be a bad thing if my personal information was able to be accessed by other people. I hope that Apple finds a way to protect the consumers information if not I am sure many people will make a switch.

1 comment:

  1. Wowie... I can't believe this and I hadn't heard anything about it, however, I'm not too up-to-date with following information regarding this type of breach. I too am an all Apple user and can't imagine if someone got ahold of my information. My sister went through identity theft a few years ago and is still battling with courts about it. It is a hairy process to undergo and I can't imagine being in that position. I just don't understand why people are hackers and would want to hurt people. It is just beyond me. I too hope that they find a way to protect Apple consumers and users. They're pretty good about making and keeping us happy. I sure do hope they pull through on this one!
