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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blog Post Free post (week2)

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As many of you may have heard in the news there has been a massive cheating scandal in the Atlanta Public School System. As an educator myself I can understand both sides of the story, with that being said I am not agreeing with the wrong doing but with the added amount of pressure in the education field people do certain things under pressure. AYP are three letters that can strike fear in the hearts and mind of all in education it has become more important for schools to make AYP every year so much so that students lose more than anything. The people that were caught up in the cheating most likely knew what they were doing was wrong but felt it was in the best interest for them to keep their jobs with higher test scores. So the question now becomes what is more important making AYP or have ethics to live by and teach students to the best of your ability and try their best.

The cheating scandal also shows what society has come to with cheat because there is an increased level of cheat among the students. Students have the attitude now as long as they pass and don’t get caught it is fine. How can you explain it to students now if adults cheated and thought they would get away. This does give an opportunity to explore new methods of teaching students and the way the educational system opportunities into the future.

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