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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blog Post Response 2 (Week 2)-Alicia Westbrooks

Queen’s World - Media AsSet Creation Week 2 Copyright
Media ASSET Creation wk2-4: Brainstorming Blog - Copyright Important Media History: Obama Hope Poster
July 9, 2011 photo http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=101184444
When NPR's Terry Gross asked the photographer of the Obama image, Mannie Garcia, his take on Fairey using his photograph he said, "[It's] crucial for people to understand, simply because it's on the Internet doesn't mean that it's free for the taking, and that just because you can take it, means that it belongs to you."
Brainstorming Blog

One entry on the project of the week or free choice (if there's not project this week)

Important Media History: Obama Hope Post
This is a great example of fair use. I think the pictures are very different and because of what the artist did to change everything. When you place the picture side by side I don't think they are the same. But because of the society we live in people will do whatever they can to try to take money from someone. I do agree that maybe he should acknowledge the original picture and maybe say the work was inspired by the original work.
Saturday, July 16, 2011 - 08:34 PM
I agree with Shephard Fairey that the photographer Mannie Garcia should receive acknowledgement  for using the image.  But that the original content of the Photo was recreated when Shepharad Fairey used his artist skills to create the poster.  I do not believe that NPR should be paid for the Photo again that the photo was recreated and changed.  Photos on the internet are a form of public property.  The transformation of the image makes it your own.
I asked photographer and TWiT contributer, Scott Bourne, his take on the case (via Twitter) and he said, "I think the artist stole the photo and his fair use claim will end up costing him treble damages. All depends on whether AP owns pic."

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