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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wk4 Reading Post

During the reading for this week I took away two main things that really made me think about my classroom and my students. The first thing is the "WE" approach I think this could be a very valuable tool when dealing with students that may not be motivated and finding a way to help them from the place of not caring. When having dialog with students it is very important make them feel that you do have concern for then and if the conversation is how we as student and teacher can make changes to help it may have a better effect on the student and teacher relationship in the long run. This also leads into the enrollment of students. With the huge use of technology among students and parents I agree with the author that some things a better face to face. This holds true for some parents that will not take the time to visit the school but only communicates through emails and phone calls etc. There is something different about face to face interaction that can make a positive change in many situations. I also think that too much technology will have a negative effect on students and their face to face social interactions unless we teach them to balance.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 4 Response Post 2- Mike Socko

I understand some of the frustrations you talk about when staying inside a box when giving assignments at times. As a broadcasting teacher we share some of the same problems and challenges in our classrooms with one of those being having to change things on the fly when it comes to projects and the guidelines for students at multiple levels. If we are always firm on certain things how can we really reach and challenge the students to become better if we never build confidence in themselves and their own skills. But at the same time if we are too flexible how can we realistically prepare them for real world situations that will not bend for them but challenge them even more.



Wk 4 Optional Post: Negotiation, Acceptance, Submission, Response (Part 3 of 4)

Subject: Thank you for your presentation proposal
Message: Thanks so much for proposing a presentation for the AEL-to-AEL Presentation Day at the 2012 Summer Institute. We are strongly considering:
Changing the Game: Assignments as Quests
for a slot in the day’s agenda. We’ll have word for you on acceptance in future months.
— Adobe’s response to my submission, July 18, 2011

Week 4 Response Post 1- Elaine Scott

I really hope that one day you can find your dream job. It's not the same when you are working a job and it is not a passion for you and what you would like to do. Maybe you could start something own your own that will combine all the things you talked about and on your own terms which can sometimes be the best thing.

Image from: http://www.observatory.designobserver.com
I have been searching for my dream job. One where I could combine my effective management skills, exemplary customer service experience (just the ability to listen, counsel, and treat people the way they deserve to be treated), add my passion for music, with all the new technology skills I have learned at Full Sail University and prior and I think that may be it. I’m realizing that I do work well with at-risk youth and young adults.

But without embarrassment for that would not aide in my determination and passion to find my niche, the fact is I am still searching. I constantly pray, network, and keep myself educated to hopefully find that place where I can put all the talents I carry to others in being successful while smiling at my own.

Wk4 Publishing Leadership Project

I have decided to present my research in the form of an article. After some research and pondering my two choices for journals to attempt to be published in are Edutopia( http://www.edutopia.org/) and ETRD http://www.springer.com/education+%26+language/learning+%26+instruction/journal/11423. There were many sites that cater to education and the use of technology, but I found these two choices to be the most appropriate for my article and me.

Wk4 Publishing/Leadership project part 2 of 2:Think Out Loud Post Two

I have decided to present my research in the form of an article. After some research and pondering my two choices for journals to attempt to be published in are Edutopia and ETR&D. There were many sites that cater to education and the use of technology, but I found these two choices to be the most appropriate for my article and me. My Big idea is Social Learning and the technologies that will be available play a critical role in the social aspect for learning.

The reason I chose Educational Technology Research and Development  was for a couple of reasons. First is the s the only scholarly journal in the field focusing entirely on research and development in educational technology. The Development Section publishes articles concerned with the design and development of learning systems and educational technology applications. 

The other choice I decided on is Edutopia. Having resources are very important for new areas of education, and with edutopia its resources are with the George Lucas Education Foundation that can really open some avenues. They present a very aggressive mission in helping to change the gap with technology and classroom learning to help students in the present as well as the future. Edutopia also presents a variety of resources for teachers as well such as Project-Based Learning, Social and Emotional Learning, Teacher Development, Technology Integration.

Wk4 Publishing/Leadership project part 1 of 2:Think Out Loud Post One


My project centers on social learning and how it can be implemented into classroom technology. The society of today revolves around social media and students from elementary to high school use such tools as Facebook, Twitter, and other sites on a daily basis.  With those types of tools being used by students it would be a great resource to turn those social media tools into social learning tools for education purposes.  
I have decided to present my research in the form of an article. After some research and pondering my two choices for journals to attempt to be published in are Edutopia and iste. There were many sites that cater to education and the use of technology, but I found these two choices to be the most appropriate for my article and me.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Blog Post on Reading (Week3)


Student opinions and ideas can sometime get overlooked by the teacher. because as educators at times do not value the thoughts of some of our students. In the reading I find myself picturing my classroom and how I do things, I do have a high stool and desk in the front and the rear of my room and that can be seen as the conductors podium as referred in the reading. Many times it can be seen as uninviting to the students if there is not a free line of communication. At times I do find it hard to admit some mistake to the students and then I have to go back and let them know they were right, but that can bring a common ground between the student and teacher. The idea of the white sheet can be used in the classroom to see if the students can present to you a way of doing things that can benefit both but the teacher has to be open for those results to take place.

I can say that I see and experience the downward spiral talk very much as being a teacher. It can sometimes become discouraging because some teachers will not look at the positive aspects of their classrooms and schools. When upset and under appreciated teachers are together in one environment it creates the momentum of the downward spiral talk. As in the reading the more attention we bring to the negative thing not going the way we want the bigger the situation can become.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Blog Post Response 2 (Week 3)-T. Salters

Week 3-2 Discussion Board Quickie Resisting Change

I think educators resist change because they don’t want to come out of their comfort zone of right-ness. Using technology involves risks; creativity and new mediums to produce products and some educators are not comfortable with exploring this arena.  (And many certainly don’t want to be wrong in front of their students)
In addition, even though many educators claim to be life long learners, I believe many don’t want to learn technology because it changes so fast.  By the time you learn one program, a new and better version is around the corner.  In order to get technology, you must change with it and be willing to adapt.  I didn’t grow up with the technology my daughter has, but I love it just the same.  I approach technology with open arms!  I don’t want to be the last one on the block to know anything…especially technology. 


Michael said...
I agree with you and teachers not wanting to leave their comfort zone when it comes to technology. I think you open arms approach has helped you to embrace the new technology and not resist the change that could help everyone in the long run.

Blog Post Wimba post (week3)

Wimba Post

Great Wimba session this week. It was good to hear Professor Jason in the drivers seat again. I think it was a good thing to explain the abstract that is due this week. I was able to grasp an understanding of the project that’s to the decision during the wimba. I feel the pain of Jenn G’s problem that is not a great thing for districts to decide for teachers to be evaluated by the students performs on testing. That brings more pressure to the classroom. If you have been paying attention to the national news the Atlanta Public School system is in a mess now from cheating just think if they were evaluated by just test…. It would be a lot worse.

Blog Post Response 1 (Week 3)-Veronica Santos

Apple emitted an update to its operating system iOS to solve a security fault that it facilitated to hacker to extract data of users of iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, announced Apple Insider. The past week the company with soothes in Cupertino admitted that their movable apparatuses were at the mercy of malicious programs when the users opened infected archives pdf.

The equipment in risk is iPhone3GS, iPhone 4, iPad and iPod Touch of third and fourth generation. The admission occurred after which a German organization of security warned that hackers could accede in a remote form to the harmed devices and rob deprived information besides affecting the execution of applications. Apple offers to the users the update iOS 4.3.4 to close the gab that put in risk the users data stored in ipods, ipads and iphones. The protected information included: contracts, personal contacts, credit information, and location history.

Information retrieved from:
July 15, 2011

Michael Chapple
This was very interesting to know. I am a user of all Apple products and that would be a bad thing if my personal information was able to be accessed by other people. I hope that Apple finds a way to protect the consumers information if not I am sure many people will make a switch.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Blog Post on Reading (Week2)

From my reading of the Art of Possibility, the last two chapters really stuck with me and caused me to think as well. As an educator I like to think of myself as a contributor each time I step into my classroom with my group of students. In the reading the great example of the mother giving her daughters money to help them out in their situation is the way I try to pass my knowledge to my students when they come to a point on a project and they may struggle I know that I can come in and provide information to help them. The chapter on given the students an A gave me a project to start this semester for my class by letting them all see an A next to their names from day one and even attempt for them to write the past tense letter of why the deserved the A. I have some reservations on this theory because from day one students feel they should be given an A in my class just because it is an elective and they should not have to work hard to earn it. So giving it to some of them will make them lazy to a point so this will be intresting to those students who feel the are entitled to an A before they learn a thing.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Blog Post Response 2 (Week 2)-Alicia Westbrooks

Queen’s World - Media AsSet Creation Week 2 Copyright
Media ASSET Creation wk2-4: Brainstorming Blog - Copyright Important Media History: Obama Hope Poster
July 9, 2011 photo http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=101184444
When NPR's Terry Gross asked the photographer of the Obama image, Mannie Garcia, his take on Fairey using his photograph he said, "[It's] crucial for people to understand, simply because it's on the Internet doesn't mean that it's free for the taking, and that just because you can take it, means that it belongs to you."
Brainstorming Blog

One entry on the project of the week or free choice (if there's not project this week)

Important Media History: Obama Hope Post
This is a great example of fair use. I think the pictures are very different and because of what the artist did to change everything. When you place the picture side by side I don't think they are the same. But because of the society we live in people will do whatever they can to try to take money from someone. I do agree that maybe he should acknowledge the original picture and maybe say the work was inspired by the original work.
Saturday, July 16, 2011 - 08:34 PM
I agree with Shephard Fairey that the photographer Mannie Garcia should receive acknowledgement  for using the image.  But that the original content of the Photo was recreated when Shepharad Fairey used his artist skills to create the poster.  I do not believe that NPR should be paid for the Photo again that the photo was recreated and changed.  Photos on the internet are a form of public property.  The transformation of the image makes it your own.
I asked photographer and TWiT contributer, Scott Bourne, his take on the case (via Twitter) and he said, "I think the artist stole the photo and his fair use claim will end up costing him treble damages. All depends on whether AP owns pic."

Blog Post Response 1 (Week 2)-Tonneche Brown

Free Topic-Thinking outside of the box:

Thinking outside of the box:

Thinking outside the box is allowing your imagination to flow and run wild. it is the birthplace of creativity. Most of the time the fear of being different or even being wrong keeps us from thinking outside of the box. Thinking outside the box and allowing ourself to fail will in turn help us to grow. Knowing that there make be options other than the norm and exploring those options is thinking outside the box. Being confident and knowing that failure can equal to success will invent out of the box thinking.


Michael said...
I like you think of out the box, as a teacher it is always a challenge to have students to think outside the box and to be creative. At times out the box thinking can produce the wrong results because students at times fill that being outside the box can translate into bending and going outside of the rules and guidelines set.

Blog Post Free post (week2)

Portable Network Graphics image

As many of you may have heard in the news there has been a massive cheating scandal in the Atlanta Public School System. As an educator myself I can understand both sides of the story, with that being said I am not agreeing with the wrong doing but with the added amount of pressure in the education field people do certain things under pressure. AYP are three letters that can strike fear in the hearts and mind of all in education it has become more important for schools to make AYP every year so much so that students lose more than anything. The people that were caught up in the cheating most likely knew what they were doing was wrong but felt it was in the best interest for them to keep their jobs with higher test scores. So the question now becomes what is more important making AYP or have ethics to live by and teach students to the best of your ability and try their best.

The cheating scandal also shows what society has come to with cheat because there is an increased level of cheat among the students. Students have the attitude now as long as they pass and don’t get caught it is fine. How can you explain it to students now if adults cheated and thought they would get away. This does give an opportunity to explore new methods of teaching students and the way the educational system opportunities into the future.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Blog Post Free post (week1)

Picture from: madrasgeek.com
I have memories of being in college and listening to cds that were yet to be released. At that point we didn't think it was a big deal but we were stilling music and not thinking about it we just wanted the new music and the guy giving them to us just charged for the blank disk.  The times began to change when Napster was thought to be illegal. What will the future bring for music even though Napster is no more there are still many more ways to get music that has yet to be release or that may never be released. The has to be a medium for both sides for the fans to get what they want and the artist the ability to make money.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Blog Post Response 2 (Week 1)

Angela wrote:

Bogus Accusation

Wow! It is amazing how the rich like to blame the little guy for their own failure.  Don't get me wrong stealing is wrong, but to put the whole blame on the little guy is a copout excuse.  I mean the right holders and government did not want to admit they weren't doing so hot probably because of the prices too high like purchasing CD's and DVD'S or even go to the movies they are all too high for an average household budget, so they used piracy theft as an escape goat.  Now since the economy is so mess up the government is changing their story and claiming there are other reasons for the flop, I find that to be amusing.
 My response:
I really agree with this as a kid cds would cost between 10-15 dollars and who had that? Also who would pay for something that you could get for free?I think the people in the video got it right by making the product available after the movie or concert and not having to wait months to come out, and if the price is right that may help cut down on the bootlegs.

The double edge sword of copyright!!

Picture by Michael Chapple @ High Falls, GA
The picture above was taken by me, so can it be used by anyone??? This is a very touchy subject. For starters as a broadcasting teacher my course standards require we teach this subject matter and with students today they have no regard for copyright laws or fair use. I start the class off by asking how many of them download music from free site vs buy off i tunes of course no one buys anything, and they do think that it is stealing. My big attention getter is to read the article on the woman that was charged for downloading music and having to pay back around 750,000 but they feel the will never get caught. I feel the content on copyright was very important and I learned new things myself for instance I had no idea if I made it and saved it, it can be protected that was new information to me because the old way was having to apply to have copyright protection. Another thing was the creative commons explanation and how it shows that progress should be taking place to share created work because I feel it can be a language. Creativity shows multiple forms of expression and can create a great end result but with so many limitations and not knowing that's where the double edge sword comes in and can cut you either way. Fair use can still be tricky especially in education for the purposes of teaching a lesson, it hard to ask your self as a teach, can I get my point across with out using certain things? Maybe I can but what if the point is only comprehended by half the class but because I did not use a certain song, or video the other learners did not understand, and at that point the sword get me again. So with all this copyright and fair use in mind what would it take professor for me to "use" everything you have given us for my copyright lesson??? Would that be against the law??

Blog Post Response 1 (Week 1)

Manny posted:
After viewing the slew of videos from this week’s assignment, I feel overwhelmed. Copyright, Fair use, Creative Commons, all these policies and regulations are seemingly endless in the discussion on the protection or use of someone’s idea or concept. I understand that a person who originates their ideas and concepts needs them to be protected from users passing them off as their ideas and that the originators be compensated or at least credited when used. But I also believe that an end user should have access to these works to be informed and inspired and be able to use these ideas for their work as well. But the areas are so gray and overlap into each other. Now throw in the myths and misconceptions, like in the Templeton video, and you have a hodgepodge of misinformation that increases the likelihood of actually infringing on another persons copyright and not even knowing that you did.

In the end it is about educating oneself on the issue of copyrights and asking the right questions. The Mayer & Bettle video that explains Creative Commons is helpful. The comic strips on the Creative Commons website are amusing and insightful (Miranda and her coffee table book) on the explanation of the 4 options in Creative Commons licenses. I also enjoyed the video collage of Disney animations to show Fair use in its purest form. Educating oneself on the above concepts are the keys to avoiding any legal problems when it comes to using any portions of someone’s else idea, concept or work.


I understand how this can make you feel overwhelmed it is a lot of information to digest in a short amount of time. I think from reading your post that you actually grasped an understanding on as much of it as you could.  Copyright and fair use is a very gray area and a fine line of being right or wrong, but as you said you have to make the right judgment in the end.