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Sunday, December 12, 2010

PE4_Adobe After Effects CS5

This assignment was a good challenge because I had to pic something that would push me out of my comfort zone with my level of using editing software.  I have always hard about after effects and how good it was for creating video effects, animation and text graphics. So I decided to dive in to see what I could do. The picture above is what I started with just a basic jpg put together in photoshop with help from my cousin a couple of weeks ago not even think about this project, so I guess photoshop should be next on my list with lynda. The tutorial does mention the better you become with photoshop the better you can become with after effects.
Starting the software was not a big deal it has the layout similar to premiere so that helped. I had to learn to import a file into the project which was done by using file import then find the file I wanted or I could use the short cut method command and click key and import from there.
Each part of the picture is a layer and I was able to manipulate each layer to scale, crop, position, to create a moveable picture that you will see in the end. The biggest challenge was trying not to move ahead in the learning but to stick with it. The best way for me was to pause the tutorial and practice the instruction as I watched because this is my preferred learning still compared to simply reading an book or a manual.

The picture above is the point when I started to use the puppet tool which is a form of animation which is going to be funny because of the way my dad's head is going to move in the video. Overall I think this software will help me more than my students because I will have to wait for the county to buy the software for all of my computers which is another issue all together.

The picture to the right is the step of exporting the project to have the abilty to have a fnished product I will now let you see what I have created this is only my first finished product and I plan to build upon this stage.

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