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Saturday, December 4, 2010


One of the best Web2.0 tools for a teacher to share with the entire web is www.schooltube.com/. You don't have to be a broadcasting teacher to use this tool any teacher can use its resources. If you want to videotape projects that your students have made to people you can create an account and upload the videos and send links to people to view the project in the case your school doesn't have a closed circuit system. Because most school systems block the use of youtube, schooltube is a great alternative and the content is school appropriate for all school ages.

The way that I use schooltube is to have a way to share videos my students have completed and to have a way to embed the videos to different websites for the school such as the sports teams and the school's main website. Below is an example of the embed code to a video.

<object width="500" height="375"><param name="movie" value="http://www.schooltube.com/v/840ff24ca9f156531d0e" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /><embed src="http://www.schooltube.com/v/840ff24ca9f156531d0e" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="500" height="375"></embed></object>

Schooltube also provides resources for teachers to share lesson plans and videos to use for their class. My students are sometimes stumped on new video ideas so we go to schooltube and look for videos other schools may have created and from there we modify the videos for our school. Schooltube also allows for teachers to create a channel for their class which can be personalized with school colors and logos which holds all of the videos you would upload.  My school's channel page is shown here.

Schooltube also offers student contest that can be used for projects in your classroom and it can give your students exposure beyond your classroom. The contest can also help for students to see how their skill level measures up against other students across the country.  Each video that is loaded onto schooltube has a counter to keep track of the number of view s each of your videos have received even if the video is embedded into another site.
Overall schooltube has been a very valuable web2.0 tool that I have used and continue to use in order to share the work of my students throughout the school as well as the community that my school serves. And it gives viewers the opportunity to level comments on the videos.

If you would like to view my channel and examples of my students work at Sprayberry High School here is the link.  http://www.schooltube.com/user/sprayberryhighschool


I link to a great video on schooltube that shows how UCF has incorporated video gaming into P.E.


  1. Michael-
    I didn't think I would like this site...until I saw what you did with it. I see how it would be a beneficial tool to use with your broadcasting class. I would recommend this site to my school's broadcasting class! I think they could appreciate viewing similar classes and what they produce. I liked your Friday broadcast,too! Your students were great!

  2. I like that your students have relaxed personalities on air, professional but warm and natural. Great idea to use schooltube to archive and "display" all their hard work! I think I'll ask my students to look at your Friday show for inspiration before they do their interviews this year. And I think I'll see if they want to film their Shakespeare scenes and publish to schooltube!

  3. Michael-
    Thank you for the web site to add to my toolbox! I am just starting up a media club to produce the morning announcements at our elementary school, and I think this site will be very useful to me. The last 2 years, the librarian ran them with students, then she left this year, and the assistant principal incorporated three previous media students to carry on but she is not tech savvy at all and the announcements began falling apart. Since it is new to me, I do appreciate your postings and ideas. Thank you!

  4. Michael - I am always astounded at what the web has to offer and very glad to see such a resource for schools to utilize. With schools having more cut backs and behavior challenges, schooltube truly looks to be a great web 2.0 tool for teachers to utilize. I know there are children out there with other intelligences who fall behind other students. Schooltube is one answer to help those students who are kinesthetic or visual, which will allow these students the opportunity to communicate and showcase their talents. Before, schools attempted to take these students out of the regular class and place them in vocational section of the school. Here, schooltube and other media rich tools can allow these students to stay in the regular classroom. I am very interested to explore this web 2.0 tool and be able to tell friends who are teachers about this.
